We are committed to protecting and providing fair treatment of
all workers, and to ensure we have a slavery-free business and
supply chains.

Construction is exposed to more modern slavery than most other industries, so it is important that we continue to roll out due diligence controls across our supplier base. Efforts are invested in promoting modern slavery training to colleagues so they get a better understanding of what it is, how to spot the signs and know how to raise concerns.

The Group’s policies and procedures on tackling modern slavery are described in the Modern Slavery Statement. This describes how the Group assesses risk, carries out due diligence and references its employee recruitment and human rights policies.

2023 Statement

(published 2024)

2022 Statement

(published 2023)

2021 Statement

(published 2022)

2020 Statement

(published 2021)

2019 Statement

(published 2020)

2018 Statement

(published 2019)

Speak Up!

It's important to us that not only our own colleagues but also workers in our supply chain have the opportunity to call out concerns to us. If you have concerns relating to worker safety, human rights or any aspect of our Supplier Commitments, please contact us and let us know.

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